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Core strategy submission

See the core strategy documents we submitted for inspection by an independent planning inspector.
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On 29 October 2010 the Council submitted its Core Strategy to the Secretary of State for examination by an independent Planning Inspector.

This final document known as the Core Strategy submission version includes changes made prior to its submission in response to the representations received on the publication of the Core Strategy proposed submission version in February 2010.

Submission documents

The following documents were submitted

  • core strategy
  • the schedule of recommended amendments to the core strategy
  • the sustainability appraisal of the core strategy
  • the Statement of Consultation regarding representations received (including details of the main issues raised and how they were taken into account)
  • the Statement of Community Involvement
  • Proposals Map changes
  • Copies of representations received at the publication stage (proposed submission version).

The full list of submitted documents which have supported the production of the Core Strategy, known as the evidence base, can be viewed below.

​The following representations were also submitted.

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