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Catford Broadway Exemption Permits

Find out more about how to apply and who is eligible for a Catford Broadway Exemption.
Parking system - intermittent issues

We're working hard to solve the current technical issues with booking visitor vouchers on our permit system, which mostly affects Lewisham staff at Laurence House. You can update your Visitor Vouchers on our e-Permits App.

If you are unable to book your visitor vouchers, call our Permit Team on 020 8787 5397, option 3, Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.

The rest of the permit system is working as normal for renewing permits, if you have any issues contact our team via email lewishamparkingpermits@nslservices.co.uk.

Catford Exemption Permits Programme

We have moved the current exemptions to our online parking permit system. Catford Broadway became a Pedestrian Zone to improve the environment in Catford and the market. This involves limiting traffic to improve air quality and make it easier and safer for those visiting the market.

We are making it easier for residents, businesses and market traders to register vehicles to enter the Pedestrian Zone restriction, which will eliminate PCNs.

Please find below information regarding the details of who will be eligible to apply for an exemption for Catford Broadway. 

What exemptions apply?

Those who are eligible for an exemption are listed below.


If you live within the Pedestrian Zone, need access to your home via the restriction, and can provide the required evidence to demonstrate this, you will be eligible for a Catford Broadway Exemption Permit. Residents can enter the restriction at any time.

Residents can add up to 5 vehicle registrations to their permit, which will enable these vehicles to enter the Pedestrian Zone restriction.

We recognise you may have different delivery vehicles that must enter the Pedestrian Zone. As the maximum number of vehicles you can add to your permit is 5, you will need to remove 1 of your 5 ‘saved favourites’ each time you wish to add a new vehicle.


If your business is located on Catford Broadway and you require deliveries, you will need to register these vehicles for an exemption permit. Delivery vehicles must be livery vehicles or commercial for delivery, and up to 5 vehicles can be added to a permit at any time.

Deliveries to businesses can only take place before 10am and after 4pm. If your delivery vehicle enters the Pedestrian Zone between 10am and 4pm, they will be liable for a PCN.

We recognise you may have different delivery vehicles that must enter the Pedestrian Zone. As the maximum number of vehicles, you can add to your permit is 5, you will need to remove 1 of your 5 ‘saved favourites’ each time you wish to add a new vehicle.

Market Traders

If you are a Catford Market Trader, you are eligible for a Catford Broadway Exemption Permit. You will be permitted to load and unload before 10am and after 4pm.

Refuse Vehicles and Emergency Service Vehicles

Refuse vehicles and emergency service vehicles are eligible for a Catford Broadway Exemption Permit.

Alternative Options

Delivery vehicles are also permitted to use the loading bays on Rushey Green and Catford Road if they do not need to enter the Pedestrian Zone. There may be a time limit for these bays, therefore please check individual signage before parking.

Who Cannot Enter?

Anyone who does not hold a valid exemption permit for Catford Broadway cannot enter the Pedestrian Zone restriction. This is to mitigate the number of vehicles travelling into the Pedestrian Zone. It will avoid confusion to businesses and reduce the number of PCNs being issued.

Please see below signage indicating the restrictions for Catford Broadway Pedestrian Zone:

Image with signage indicating the restrictions for Catford Broadway Pedestrian Zone: 

Evidence Requirements

In order to obtain an Exemption Permit on our online parking permit system, the following items of evidence will be required.

Catford Broadway Residents


  • 2 pieces of evidence for proof of address

Proof of address evidence

  • current Council Tax document showing your address on Catford Broadway
  • utility bill (gas, water or electric), dated within the last three months, showing your address on Catford Broadway
  • formal signed tenancy agreement or solicitor completion letter, showing your address to be on Catford Broadway (current or dated within the last month)

Please note: mobile phone bills will not be accepted as proof of address.

Catford Broadway Businesses 


  • 1 piece of evidence for proof of business address

Proof of business address evidence

  • business letterhead

Catford Broadway Market Traders


  • 1 piece of evidence for proof of Market Trader licence
  • 1 piece of evidence for proof of vehicle ownership

Proof of Market Trader license

  • Catford Broadway Market Street Trader Licence

Proof of vehicle ownership

  • front cover of V5C document, displaying name of applicant
  • hire/lease agreement, displaying name of applicant

If you have any further questions, please contact the Lewisham Parking Permits team on 0208 787 5397 and select option 3. Alternatively, you can email Lewisham parking permits.

Our opening hours are Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm.

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