Open overview and scrutiny investigations
If you live, work or study in the borough, you can make a request for scrutiny to investigate a matter of local concern.
Lewisham Private Rented Sector - Survey
If you rent privately in Lewisham, the Private Rented Sector in Lewisham Task and Finish Group would like to hear about your experience.
Please complete our survey by 31 December 2023 to help us identify areas for potential improvement and recommend meaningful changes that benefit residents. Click here to access the survey.
Youth Provision in Lewisham - Call for Evidence
A group of councillors would like you to share your views regarding youth services in Lewisham currently and any suggestions you have for the future.
The overview and scrutiny task and finish group is reviewing youth provision in the borough in order to:
understand and capture the views and needs of young residents;
understand youth work and the benefits it can deliver;
understand and evaluate the local offer;
identify challenges and good practice; and
identify and recommend feasible options to increase youth provision participation and impact in Lewisham and ensure the offer is responsive to young people’s needs.
At the end if its review, the Task and Finish Group will present its findings and recommendations to the Council’s Mayor and Cabinet.
Please send your views by email to by 15 December 2023.
It will be presumed that any submission may be anonymised and published by the Task and Finish Group unless you specify otherwise. If you would like your submission to be treated differently – e.g. to remain partly or wholly confidential or to be identifiable when published – please specify how you would like it to be treated when making the submission.
The Task and Finish Group is particularly interested to hear about:
The benefits youth services can deliver.
What young people want and need from youth services.
What youth provision is available in Lewisham and how is it funded.
How the ecosystem of youth provision in the borough operates and what the Council’s role within it is.
Who stands to benefit the most from participating in youth provision.
Who currently participates in youth provision and what the barriers to participation are.
How participation in youth provision can be increased in Lewisham, particularly by those who stand to benefit the most.
How the local system of youth provision should operate, including how different organisations can better work together, and what the Council’s role in it should be.
How the local offer can be improved to better meet the needs and aspirations of young people in Lewisham, particularly the most disadvantaged, now and in the future.
How youth provision improvement can be funded.
The future challenges and opportunities facing youth work and the youth work sector and what needs to happen to overcome those challenges and grasp those opportunities.
If you would like any more information regarding the Task and Finish Group or making a submission, please contact Benjamin Awkal, Scrutiny Manager,, 020 8314 6000 (ext. 46147)