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Lewisham Prevent programme

Information about the borough-wide initiative between us, the police and other key agencies and communities to deter extremism and support vulnerable people.

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The borough has been identified in the Government's Prevent Strategy as one of the priority local areas for action.

What is Prevent? 

Prevent is part of the national counter-terrorism strategy and aims to stop people being drawn into or supporting terrorism. The strategy focuses on three key areas which are:

  • respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat from those who promote it
  • prevent  people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support
  • work with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation that we need to address.


If you work with people who could be vulnerable to becoming involved in terrorism, you can get Prevent training. The training is open to:

  • council staff
  • housing staff
  • other partners, including community groups.

You can access training through the Lewisham Safeguarding Children Board or by contacting us to discuss your requirements.

Who is vulnerable?

There is no single profile of a potential terrorist but terrorist groups sometimes try to recruit people who are susceptible or vulnerable, this can happen in person or over the internet. Recognising the symptoms and taking action helps to safeguard the individual and those around them. 

What support is available?

We work closely with local police and statutory services to deliver a multi-agency response.

Individuals deemed suitable after a needs assessment will be invited to participate in an intervention, this process is voluntary. The intervention is tailored to meet individual needs and will include a range of activities such as mentoring, leadership skills and other practical assistance.


For information on counter-terrorism initiatives, please see the links below:

You can also report suspected extremism online.

Get in touch

Lewisham Prevent programme

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