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Report parking issues

Find out more about how to report parking issues and what action the enforcement contractor will take following a report.
Parking system - intermittent issues

We're working hard to solve the current technical issues with booking visitor vouchers on our permit system, which mostly affects Lewisham staff at Laurence House. You can update your Visitor Vouchers on our e-Permits App.

If you are unable to book your visitor vouchers, call our Permit Team on 020 8787 5397, option 3, Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.

The rest of the permit system is working as normal for renewing permits, if you have any issues contact our team via email lewishamparkingpermits@nslservices.co.uk.

Parking issues

Penalty Charge Notices will be issued to any vehicle observed contravening by a London Borough of Lewisham Civil Enforcement Officer.

Parking issues we can enforce

We can enforce issues such as:

  • obstructive parking
  • footway parking
  • engine idling

We cannot enforce moving traffic contravention issues such as:

  • mopeds riding on pavement
  • speeding

We also cannot enforce any issues on TfL red routes.

How to report parking issues

Vehicles which are in parking contravention can be reported by telephone, email or text.

Opening hours for reporting parking issues: Monday - Friday 6.30am - 11.30pm, Saturday 6.30am - 7.30pm, Sunday 6.30am - 4pm

Telephone: 020 8787 5397 (option 5)

Text: 07385 407496, starting your message with “Report”, followed by vehicle details, location and the parking issue. Note that this service is for text messaging only.

Email, add in the subject line "Vehicle Report FAO On-Street".

After the report is made

We will try to send a Civil Enforcement Officer to the scene of the report but cannot guarantee immediate attendance before a vehicle moves on. Reports of parking issues will be tracked by NSL Lewisham Parking Services whether a Penalty Charge Notice is issued or not.

Enforcement will be adjusted as parking issues are identified over time.

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