Positive Ageing Council
The Positive Ageing Council (PAC) is an open forum that meets four times a year. Anyone aged over 60 who lives, works, learns or volunteers in the borough can join.
The group organise social events and activities and give older people an important voice in what services and facilities are provided in Lewisham. They also like to talk about anything and everything that matters to them.
POSAC ran a successful stall at Peoples Day 2022.
Become a member
Becoming a member is free and you are sent free newsletters and emails updating you on things to do and support available for older people in the borough. To become a member, contact the Positive Ageing Council Coordinator, or attend one of the free meetings or events run by the group to become a member.
Meetings take place in the Council Chambers at the Civic Suite, Catford, and include guest speakers on selected topics and interactive, informal discussions on chosen local topics.
They are friendly, relaxed and informal, and anyone wishing to attend can just come along.
Cost of living and staying warm this winter
The Council is supporting households as well as signposting people to other support you could be eligible for:
- book a free warm homes online consultation with South London Healthy Homes, or call them on 0808 169 1779
Contact your councillors
You can find out who your councillors are and how to contact them on these pages:
Unsure which ward you live in?
Steering group
The Positive Ageing Council has a smaller group of 20 dedicated local volunteers aged 60 years or over, who act as representatives. They are responsible for taking forward the issues and actions that are raised at Positive Ageing Council meetings.
The steering group also acts as an older person's consultation group for Lewisham Council and local partners. They have advised the Council on an older persons’ road users guide, and advised representatives from Lewisham Police Consultative Group and Laban Trinity dance school.
Sign up for our quarterly newsletter. Include your:
- full name
- postcode
We will also send you invitations to POSAC public meetings, and occasional emails with items of interest to residents aged 60+.