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Arts volunteering

There are many arts organisations in Lewisham with diverse and exciting volunteering opportunities.

How can you take part?

  • Search do-it.
  • Team London is the Mayor of London’s campaign to get more Londoners volunteering.
  • Teamv is a new volunteering network for creative, energetic 18 to 25 year-olds ready for a leadership challenge.

How can arts organisations involve volunteers?

  • Voluntary Arts is the national development agency for amateur arts and crafts participation. They offer a setting up guide for groups, advice and guidance, training and much more.
  • Arts and Business were selected as an official partner of the Office for Civil Society as part of the national work programme for the European Year of Volunteering.
  • Voluntary Arts and Volunteering England have published a new toolkit to support small and medium-sized arts groups who struggle to improve the support they offer volunteers.  

Funding to support volunteering activities


Cultural Development - Arts

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