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Ask a question at a council meeting

Find out how you can ask a public question at a Council meeting.

We are determined to make Lewisham the best place in London to live, work and learn. And we know that we can only achieve this vision by listening to, and working with, local people. 

The most obvious way residents influence local decision-making is by voting in elections. But there are other ways you can raise issues with the council and get involved in the decision-making process.

Ask a public question

Anyone who lives, works of studies in Lewisham can make an enquiry or raise an issue at a full Council meeting by asking a public question.

If there is an issue you want the Council to look at, or an area where you believe we can make improvements, a public question is a good way to bring it to the Council's attention. Your question may lead to an investigation or review of the issue you raise, and could be relevant to other residents affected by the same issue.

How do I ask a question?

To submit your question, please do one of the following:

  • email your question to councilquestions@lewisham.gov.uk

  • write to the Head of Governance and Committee Service at Lewisham Council. 1st Floor, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU

Questions must be submitted by 11.59pm on the 15th day before the Council meeting.

Council meeting Submit your question by 
2 October 2024 11.59pm on 17 September 2024
27 November 2024 11.59pm on 12 November 2024
22 January 2025 11.59pm on 7 January 2025
5 March 2025 11.59pm on 18 February 2025

Each questioner may ask a maximum of two questions at any meeting. Any question of more than 100 words will be rejected. If more than two questions are asked, only the first two will be considered.

We will email you an answer to your question by 5pm the night before the meeting. You can then attend the Council meeting and ask a follow-up question at that meeting. Please note that time set aside for follow up questions cannot be used for a member of the public to make their own speech on the issue they have raised.

Full details of the rules governing Public Questions can be found in the document linked at the bottom of this page, which is taken from Part IV, C - Council Procedure Rules, section 13 of the council’s constitution.

What can I ask a question about?

You can ask a question relating to any issue we are involved in dealing with. But  remember that public questions must relate to Lewisham Council's work or involvement in a situation. This ensures that meaningful action can be taken to address any problems you help to identify.

Complaints procedure

The council has a separate complaints procedure to deal with individual casework or complaints.

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) statement

At the Council meeting, your full name will be published with your question/s, along with the names of other members of the public who have asked a question/s. This document will be a public document.


Governance and Committee Services (Council Questions)

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