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Crossovers (dropped kerbs and white lines)

If you need to drive across the pavement to get your vehicle into your driveway, then you must, by law, have a crossover constructed.
Parking system

The permit system is now back up and running. If you are still experiencing any issues, contact our Permit Team on 020 8787 5397, option 3, Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm or email our team at lewishamparkingpermits@nslservices.co.uk.

A crossover is an area of lowered pavement and kerbs which gives access for vehicles from a road across the pavement and onto a driveway or parking area on a private property.

The crossover must be constructed by Lewisham's highway maintenance contractor, to our specifications. This is because only qualified contractors are permitted to work on the highway. In this way we can be sure that when crossovers are installed, the services that lie under the pavement are not put in jeopardy.

Once we have received your application form, a highway inspector will visit your home to check that a crossover would cause no road safety problems. We will then send you an estimated cost for the work. The cost is based on a price per square metre and will vary according to the width of the pavement.

We will send you our estimate within five working weeks and will normally carry out the works within eight weeks of receiving payment.

White crossover bar markings

We can also provide a white crossover bar marking, a white line which runs across your driveway parallel to the kerb line. This emphasises that there is a driveway there and discourages obstructive parking. The average white line is 5 metres long and costs £127 but it may be more depending on the width of your crossover.

Please call us on 020 8314 2095 or email businesssupporthighways@lewisham.gov.uk to request a quote.

Special cases

You live...
in a property owned by a housing association
Contact your housing association and discuss what you want to do. If the road you live on is maintained by the housing association they will be responsible for installing the crossover. If the road is adopted highway then you will need their permission to go ahead before you submit an application to the Highways team. If you are not sure you can check if your road is adopted.
in a conservation area

You need to get planning consent before you submit an application.

on a red route

You need consent from Transport for London. Once you have their consent, you will also need to get planning consent.

on a classified road

You will need to get planning consent
before you submit an application.

 in a controlled parking zone There will be an additional fee to cover the cost of amending signage, road markings and the existing Traffic Order.

Useful websites


Highway Maintenance Group

London Borough Of Lewisham, Laurence House, 1 Catford Road, London, SE6 4RU
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