Adopted local plan
Planning documents that collectively deliver our planning strategy and policies.
Planning service charges
Planning services have introduced new charges for withdrawing planning applications that have not been validated. These charges are to recover administrative costs. The charge for Non-Major applications is £41.67 (£50 including VAT) and for Major applications, it is £125 (£150 including VAT).
Core strategy
See the core strategy document for the Local Development Framework.
Site allocations
See the site allocations local plan, that identifies, designates and safeguards land for a particular use.
Development management
Additional planning policies, for issues that are not covered by the core strategy and London plan.
Lewisham town centre local plan
See the Lewisham town centre local plan, which was adopted in 2014.
Supplementary planning documents
See guidance documents on the implementation of policies and proposals in the Local Development Framework.
Policies map
A map showing area-based planning policies.
Local development scheme
Information about the timetable for preparing the Lewisham Local Plan.
Statement of community involvement
This statement sets out how the community can be involved with planning in the London Borough of Lewisham.
Authority monitoring report
See reports that show if we are meeting objectives and key dates published for the production of Local Development Framework documents.
LDF newsletters
Read past newsletters on the policy planning, preparation and implementation of the Local Development Framework.