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Deptford Creekside SPD

Read the SPD for Deptford Creekside.
Planning system down

Our planning systems are currently down. We're working to get them back up and running again. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Planning service charges

Planning services have introduced new charges for withdrawing planning applications that have not been validated. These charges are to recover administrative costs. The charge for Non-Major applications is £41.67 (£50 including VAT) and for Major applications, it is £125 (£150 including VAT).

​The Deptford Creekside Supplementary Planning Document will provide detailed planning policy guidance for an area in the north of the borough defined as 'Deptford Creekside'.

The purpose of the SPD will be to manage change in order to preserve and enhance the area's character as defined in the Deptford Creekside Conservation Area Appraisal by promoting high quality design which responds sensitively to the historic environment.

The Council prepared a scoping report that sets out the proposed methodology for undertaking the sustainability appraisal (SA) (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment) of the Deptford Creekside SPD. A copy of the scoping report can be found below.

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