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Apply for a premises licence review

Download the application form and other documents to apply for a premises licence review.

An interested party or responsible authority can apply for a review of an existing premises licence or club premises certificate, due to problems at the premises that are connected to one or more of the four licensing objectives.

Grounds for a review

The grounds for the review can only be based on the four licensing objectives, which are:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder
  • prevention of public nuisance
  • public safety
  • protection of children from harm.

How to apply for a review

You must apply using the form below. You'll need to give copies to the premises licence holder and all the responsible authorities.

The licensing authority can reject any application for review if it considers it to be frivolous, vexatious or a repetition.

What happens when a review is accepted

When the licensing authority accepts a review, other interested parties and responsible authorities have 28 days to submit representations either in support or against the review.

A licensing committee will meet to consider all the evidence. The committee have a range of powers, which include:

  • alteration of hours
  • removal of a licensable activity
  • adding or amending conditions
  • or in the most serious cases revocation of the licence.

Read the guidance below for further instructions.


Safer Communities Service (Licensing)

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