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Cabinet Announcement

The Mayor of Lewisham has announced changes to his Cabinet, which will be considered at the Council meeting on 21 July.

Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, Cllr Sophie McGeevor, is due to go on parental leave next week. During this time Lewisham Central ward councillor, Cllr Patrick Codd, will take on her portfolio.

Cabinet Member for the Community Sector, Cllr Jonathan Slater, has announced he is to step down from the Cabinet after taking a new job. His responsibilities will be shared by existing Cabinet members:

  • Cabinet Member for Safer Communities, Deputy Mayor Cllr Brenda Dacres will take on additional responsibility for equalities, including the Lewisham Disabled People’s Commission.
  • Cabinet Member for Business and Community Wealth Building, Cllr Kim Powell, will take on additional responsibility for the Council’s relationship with the voluntary and community sector alongside her current responsibilities – which is reflected in her new title.
  • Cabinet Member for Culture, Cllr Andre Bourne, will take on additional responsibility for libraries and adult learning.

Cllrs Bourne and Powell, who had been job sharing, will become full Cabinet Members, to reflect their new responsibilities.

Cllr Samantha Latouche will become the Council’s Air Quality Champion, taking over from Cllr Louise Krupski, who is now Chair of the Sustainable Development Select Committee.

Cllr James-J Walsh will take over from Cllr Patrick Codd as Evening and Night-time Economy Champion.

The changes are expected to be formally approved at the next Council Meeting on 21 July.

Mayor of Lewisham Damien Egan said: “I’m sorry to see Cllr Jonathan Slater step back from Cabinet due to his new work commitments. Cllr Slater has worked tirelessly over the last three years to support our voluntary and community sector, which has been a lifeline for so many during the pandemic. The power of volunteering has shone through and he’s done a fantastic job of supporting and building relationships with organisations across the borough. I know that Deputy Mayor Dacres and Cllrs Powell and Bourne will do a great job in building on this work.

“I wish Cllr Sophie McGeevor the very best as she prepares to start her parental leave. I’m delighted that Cllr Patrick Codd has agreed to take on her portfolio during this time. We want our next steps to be our greenest yet, and Cllr Codd shares my vision for a greener Lewisham. He is an experienced and hardworking councillor, and I know he is looking forward to working on this important portfolio and such a critical time.”

Cllr Patrick Codd said: “I’m honoured to be asked by the Mayor to join the Cabinet at such an important time. The climate crisis is the biggest issue the world faces, and as a Council we have a crucial role to play. I am excited to steer the Council’s work towards a greener Lewisham and to work with - and for - residents across our borough.”

Cllr Jonathan Slater said: “It’s been a real privilege to be a cabinet member over the last three years, and the reason I’m stepping down is due to work commitments, which mean I wouldn’t be able to commit to this really important role my full attention and focus.''

“Lewisham has some of the strongest and most passionate voluntary and community groups and I’ve been honoured to work in partnership with them, particularly over the last 18 months, when they have stepped up and supported local residents during these extraordinary and challenging times like never before. I wish them all well and I’ll continue to champion them in my role as a ward councillor for Whitefoot.”

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