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How to apply for travel assistance for children with special educational needs

Please complete the application form to apply for travel assistance for children with special educational needs.
How to contact the Travel Coordination Team

Contact the team via telephone on 020 8314 6363, and email at tct@lewisham.gov.uk.

Please include your name, your child’s name, and a contact number in any emails.

If your child meets the eligibility criteria for travel assistance, please complete the application form below.

We will only process your application once you have given all the information requested in the form.

How long it takes

We normally take 10 days to assess your application. If approved for travel assistance, it takes a further 10 days to arrange the appropriate form of travel.

Please note that assessments and arrangements may take longer at peak service times (July, August and September and before the start of any academic term).

We recommend that you apply for travel assistance as early as possible so arrangements are in place before they need to start.

Reviewing travel assistance support

We can review travel assistance at any time and we may decide that an alternative option could be more suitable for your child.

If the child or young person has an education, health and care (EHC) plan, their special educational needs caseworker will review the travel assistance being provided. They will assess whether or not the current assistance meets the individual support needs of the child or young person.

If we discover that a child’s or young person’s circumstances have changed and the parent or carer has failed to make us aware then travel assistance will stop immediately. The parent or carer must submit an updated travel assistance application form.

Services for children and young people with SEND

This page is part of the 'local offer' for children and young people with special educational needs

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