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Our directorates and structure

Lewisham Council's directorates and structure.

Top tier directorate structure

Information about our six directorates and the chief officers for each.

Chief Executive

The Chief Executive’s directorate works with the Mayor and Cabinet to ensure the Council’s strategic objectives (as set out in the Corporate Strategy) are achieved. The activities of the directorate span the whole organisation and include managing transformational projects and programmes, enabling evidence-based policy development and strategic decision-making, supporting the organisation to attract, retain and manage a highly-skilled workforce and ensuring staff and residents are informed, consulted and engaged. The directorate also supports the Council’s decision-making functions and ensures that the democratic process in Lewisham is managed in accordance with the law.
Chief Executive

Jennifer Daothong - Chief Executive

Image of Jennifer Daothong


The Chief Executive works closely with the directly elected mayor and elected councillors to provide:

  • positive results – setting the Council’s management arrangements and practices to ensure effective and efficient delivery of services through well organised and motivated staff 
  • strategic direction – ensuring that the mayor and Council’s priorities and goals can be implemented through focused strategies, projects and programmes  
  • policy advice – acting as the principal policy adviser to the directed elected mayor and elected councillors and securing best professional advice on all relevant matters in respect of the Council’s functions and services
  • partnerships – leading and developing effective partnerships at management level with other public agencies, private companies and local community organisations to achieve better public services and improved results for local people
  • operational management – ensuring that the Council has the highest standards of achievement in financial and budgetary management; the management of service performance; the management of emergencies and risks generally; the management of suppliers; and the overall management of change and improvement within the Council.

The Chief Executive is expected to work outside their contracted hours as necessary, including evenings and weekends to deal with any serious and urgent matters and to ensure that the service is maintained. They also cover duties for both Lewisham and London-wide emergency planning requirements. No additional payments are made to them for these additional duties.

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: jennifer.daothong@lewisham.gov.uk

Director of Communications and Engagement

Helen Clarke - Director of Communications and Engagement

Profile image Sarah Weiner


  • Internal and Digital Communications
  • Media and Campaigns
  • Engagement
  • Civic Events
  • Lewisham Strategic Partnership
  • Executive Support

Contact details

Telephone: 020 8314 6000

Email: helen.clarke@lewisham.gov.uk 

Director of Law & Corporate Governance

Jeremy Chambers - Director of Law & Corporate Governance

Image of Jeremy Chambers, Director of Law, Governance and Elections


  • Legal Services  
  • Electoral Services
  • Governance and Committee Services
  • Emergency Planning and Business Continuity

  • Overview and Scrutiny

  • Policy team

  • Mayor’s Office

  • Information Governance 

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: jeremy.chambers@lewisham.gov.uk

Director of People and Organisation Development

Sherene Russell-Alexander - Director of People and Organisation Development

Sherene Russell-Alexander


  • Organisation Development
  • Strategic HR Business Partnering
  • Employee Relations, including trade union relationship management
  • Employee Services
  • Resourcing and Talent Acquisition

Contact details

Telephone: 020 8314 6000

Email: Sherene.Russell-Alexander@lewisham.gov.uk 

Download Chief Executive's Directorate Structure

Children and Young People

The Children and Young People directorate works in partnership with other public sector and voluntary organisations to provide a wide range of services for children, young people and families, including the most vulnerable in the borough, which help them to stay safe, make a positive contribution and achieve their full potential.
Executive Director

Pinaki Ghoshal - Executive Director for Children and Young People

Image of Pinaki Ghosal


  • Children’s Social Care
  • Joint Commissioning and Early Help
  • Education Services

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: pinaki.ghoshal@lewisham.gov.uk

Director of Education Services

Angela Scattergood - Director of Education Services

Image of Angela Scattergood, Director of Education Services


  • Integrated Services for SEND and Complex Needs
  • Lewisham Learning
  • Access Inclusion and Participation
  • Virtual Schools
  • Business Infrastructure, Compliance and Education Operations
  • Early Years Sufficiency and Quality
  • Schools HR
  • Early Years Sufficiently and Quality

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: Angela.Scattergood@lewisham.gov.uk

Director of Children's Social Care 

Lucie Heyes - Director of Children's Social Care

Image of Lucie Heyes


  • Family Social Work
  • MASH/ Referral and Assessment
  • Quality Assurance
  • Corporate Parenting
  • Workforce Development

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: Lucie.Heyes@lewisham.gov.uk

Director of Families, Quality and Commissioning

Sara Rahman - Director of Families, Quality and Commissioning

Image of Sara Rahman


  • Prevention and Early Help
  • Joint Commissioning
  • Youth Offending
  • Safeguarding and Quality Assurance
  • Strategy and Improvement

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: Sara.Rahman@lewisham.gov.uk

Download Children and Young People Directorate Structure

Adult Social Care and Health

The Adult Social Care and Health directorate aims to improve local health and wellbeing by providing services to residents in need of care, addressing health inequalities in the borough and increasing involvement in sport, leisure and physical activity. The directorate also supports cultural and arts organisations and works closely with communities to promote learning, engagement and civic action.
Executive Director

Tom Brown - Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health

Image of Tom Brown


  • Integrated Care and Commissioning
  • Adult Social Care
  • Public Health

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: Tom.Brown@lewisham.gov.uk

Director of Adult Integrated Commissioning

Kenneth Gregory - Director of Adult Integrated Commissioning

Kenneth Gregory


  • Public Health Commissioning & Planning – Sexual Health, Substance Misuse Community Health and Primary Care 
  • Supported Housing Commissioning & Planning
  • Accommodation based support quality assurance
  • Adult Mental Health Commissioning and Planning
  • Autism Strategy development and Planning  
  • Complex Care and Learning Disability Commissioning & Planning
  • Domiciliary Care and Community Equipment Commissioning & Planning
  • Care Home Quality Assurance
  • Continuing Health Care Delivery and Planning
  • Carers Strategy development and implementation
  • End of Life Care
  • Borough Based Community Health Services (NHS) Commissioning and Planning Population based health and social care system based planning, development and improvement

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: Kenneth.Gregory@lewisham.gov.uk

Director of Systems Transformation

Laura Jenner - Director of Systems Transformation

Profile image Sarah Weiner

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: laura.jenner@lewisham.gov.uk

Director of Adult Social Care

Joan Hutton - Director of Adult Social Care

Image of Joan Hutton, director of Adult Social Care


  • Adults Social Work
  • Gateway (Community referral pathway)
  • Mental Health Lewisham (SLaM)
  • Neighbourhood teams
  • MASH, Safeguarding and Quality assurance, Placement reviews.
  • Internal Provider Services (Enablement, Link line, Shared lives and Day opportunities).
  • Learning Disabilities and Transitions
  • Hospital Discharge strategic flow (joint post with Lewisham and Greenwich Trust - LGT). 
  • Therapies (joint post with LGT).
  • Service Development and Improvement.
  • Safeguarding Adult board management support. 
  • Principal Social Worker and Learning and Development.

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: Joan.Hutton@lewisham.gov.uk

Director of Public Health

Catherine Mbema - Director of Public Health

Image of Catherine Mbema, Director of Public Health


  • Public Health Intelligence
  • Public Health Strategy

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: Catherine.Mbema@lewisham.gov.uk

Download Adult Social Care and Health Directorate Structure


The Place directorate is focused on strategic place-making, with responsibility for coordinating development and growth in order to create thriving neighbourhoods, maximise housing supply and promote economic opportunities for residents and businesses. The directorate also plays a key role in delivering a safer, cleaner and greener Lewisham.
Executive Director

Nazeya Hussain - Interim Executive Director Place

A woman in a red jacket and with black hair looks at the camera


  • Public Realm
  • Planning
  • Inclusive Regeneration
  • Community Services

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: nazeya.hussain@lewisham.gov.uk

Director of Community Services

James Lee - Director of Community Services

James Lee


  • Adult Learning Lewisham
  • Bereavement Services
  • Community Development
  • Culture
  • Libraries and Information Services
  • Safer Communities
  • Sports, Parks and Leisure

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: James.Lee@lewisham.gov.uk

Director of Public Realm

Zahur Khan - Director of Public Realm

Profile image Sarah Weiner


  • Waste and Street Cleansing
  • Environmental Health
  • Markets
  • Parking Transport
  • Road Safety
  • Highways
  • Street Lighting

Contact details

Telephone: 020 8314 6000

Email: zahur.khan@lewisham.gov.uk

Director of Inclusive Regeneration

Patrick Dubeck - Director of Inclusive Regeneration

A man with brown hair


  • Climate Resilience
  • Capital Programmes
  • Property and Assets
  • Building Control
  • Strategic Development
  • Economy, Jobs and Partnerships

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: Patrick.Dubeck@lewisham.gov.uk

Director of Planning

Nick Fenwick - Interim Director of Planning

Profile image Kenny Gregory


  • Strategic Planning, including planning policy, conservation, urban design, trees, Section 106 and CIL and neighbourhood planning
  • Development Management, including the negotiation and determination of planning applications and planning enforcement 
  • Business and Improvement Stakeholder Relations, including local land charges

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: Nick.Fenwick@lewisham.gov.uk

Download Place Directorate Structure

Housing services

The Housing directorate works to deliver outstanding housing services, strengthen residents’ voices and provide high-quality homes for our tenants and leaseholders.
Executive Director

Gillian Douglas - Executive Director for Housing

A woman smiles at the camera


  • Housing Strategy, Private Sector Housing and Housing Needs
  • Housing Management and Resident Engagement
  • Stock Investment, Repairs and Compliance
  • Building Safety

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: gillian.douglas@lewisham.gov.uk

Director of Housing Strategy

Fenella Beckman - Director of Housing Strategy

Image of Fennella Beckman


  • Housing Needs Services
  • Private Sector Licensing
  • Housing Improvement and Assistance
  • Housing Partnerships
  • Policy & Strategy
  • Data & Insight
  • Business Intelligence

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: fenella.beckman@lewisham.gov.uk

Director of Housing Quality and Investment

To be filled 


  • Repairs
  • Building Safety
  • Fire Safety
  • Strategic Health and Safety 
  • Compliance
  • Stock Investment and Asset Management
Director of Housing Resident Engagement and Services

Carol Hinvest - Director of Housing Resident Engagement and Services

Carol Hinvest


  • Housing and Communities
  • Income and Support
  • Home Ownership and Independent Living
  • Environment
  • Customer Relations

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: carol.hinvest@lewisham.gov.uk

Download Housing Directorate Structure

Corporate Resources

The Corporate Resources directorate acts as the guardian of the Council’s finances, providing financial management, advice and support as well as delivering resident-focused finance services and driving efficiencies across the organisation. The directorate is also responsible for the provision of high-quality digital, information and communication technologies which enable the Council to deliver services more effectively.
Executive Director

David Austin - Executive Director for Corporate Resources

David Austin


  • Finance
  • Assurance
  • IT and Digital Services
  • Resident and Business Services (including Council Tax and Benefits)

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: David.Austin@lewisham.gov.uk

Director of Finance

Katharine Nidd - Acting Director of Finance

Katherine Nidd


  • Finance
  • Risk and Insurance
  • Anti-Fraud and Corruption
  • Internal Audit
  • Strategic Procurement and Commercial Services
  • Pensions and Treasury
  • Payroll and Pensions

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: Katharine.Nidd@lewisham.gov.uk

Director of IT and Digital Services

Wendy Carr - Director of IT and Digital Services

a woman with silver shoulder length hair


  • Digital Solutions
  • Applications Management
  • Information Security
  • IT Operations
  • Insight, Transformation and Programme Management Office

Contact details

Telephone: 0208 314 6000

Email: Wendy.Carr@lewisham.gov.uk

Director of Resident and Business Services

To be filled


  • Revenue and Benefits
  • Corporate Customer Relations
  • Facilities Management
Download Corporate Resources Directorate Structure
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