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COVID-19 in Lewisham - 10 June update

Dr Catherine Mbema, our Director of Public Health shares the latest update on coronavirus in our borough and the steps we can all take to help protect ourselves and everyone in our communities.

COVID-19 case rates in Lewisham

We are seeing increasing COVID-19 case rates in Lewisham so I want to start the blog this week with a few reminders to please:

  • Observe the guidance on what we can and can't do at this stage of the roadmap
  • Only meet indoors in groups of 6 from any number of different households (children of all ages count towards the limit of 6) or in a group of any size from up to two households (each household can include an existing support bubble, if eligible)
  • Only meet outdoors in groups of up to 30 people
  • Continue to practice Hands, Face, Space and Fresh Air. With the warmer weather please take full advantage of meeting outside as much as possible.

Younger people getting the COVID-19 jab

Everyone over the age of 25 can now book an appointment to get the COVID-19 vaccination. Book online at www.nhs.uk/covid-vaccination or call 119, free of charge. News about the high numbers of bookings for those in younger age groups is really encouraging to see!

Look out for our local campaigns due to launch in coming weeks, co-created with young volunteers from across the borough and our Community Champions to encourage everyone to keep talking about COVID-19, discussing concerns and sharing accurate information.

Getting the COVID-19 vaccination is an individual choice and it’s our job to ensure everyone has clear, up to date information at their fingertips in order to make an informed decision, when you’re invited to book a vaccination appointment.

If you, or someone you know, has questions about vaccinations find out more on the NHS website

A free, confidential telephone call-back service is available to Lewisham residents. Book online or call 07828 499044 (WhatsApp: 07376 810219) to arrange a confidential conversation with a healthcare professional who will be able to give you the latest information on the vaccination and answer any questions you may have. Feedback from some of the first people to call has been overwhelming positive – as people relay just how informative and helpful the conversations are - with almost 43% going on to book a vaccination appointment during the call or immediately afterwards.

Government-backed rapid test pilot for Deptford

Residents on the Evelyn and Pepys estates will be able to get COVID-19 rapid tests more easily, thanks to a new pilot project that sees Lewisham’s Evelyn Community Centre working in partnership with Lewisham Council, Department for Health and Social Care and UK Health Security Agency, to make twice weekly rapid COVID-19 testing for those who do not have COVID-19 symptoms more readily available to everyone in the local community.

Rapid test kits are being distributed through community hubs such as the 2000 Community Action Centre on the Pepys Estate, which is helping to ensure estate residents and local groups including the local Vietnamese Women’s Group can get a rapid test regularly.

We’re hugely grateful to all the volunteers and everyone from the Evelyn and Pepys estate, who are helping to spread the word of why it’s so important to get a rapid test regularly to protect our communities.

Read more about the rapid test pilot for Deptford.

Our Council-led rapid test team have done almost 30,000 quick turnaround COVID-19 tests in centres across the borough delivering results within 30 minutes. Many thousands of people are now choosing to pick up home test kits at one of nearly 40 collection points across the borough.

Make testing part of your routine – everyone in Lewisham should be getting a rapid test twice a week to help identify anyone without symptoms who may have coronavirus and will be spreading it without realising. Even if you have had the vaccination, you should continue to get a rapid test twice a week. Find out more at lewisham.gov.uk/rapidtest

It’s important to remember that if you do have COVID-19 symptoms you should have a PCR test rather than a rapid test. Find out more information about the difference between the two types of tests here.  

Public health clinics could come to your area

The 2000 Community Action Centre hosted a free community event on the recent bank holiday weekend. A joined up approach with the Council’s Public Health, local GPs and volunteers offered walk-in vaccination for local people; weight and blood pressure checks; Type 2 Diabetes risk assessments; COVID-19 advice including rapid test kits to take home; as well as an introductory mindfulness session. Free plants from WatchItGrow were given out and those completing a ‘health challenge’ were entered into a prize draw. Thank you to everyone who made this event happen!

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