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Adult Learner Charlie Kebell wins prestigious Mayor of London Adult Learning Award

Lewisham resident Charlie Kebell receives prestigious Mayor of London Learning for Personal Progression Award at a ceremony last night (2 November).

We are delighted to announce that Charlie Kebell who attends Supported Learning classes at our adultCharlie Kebell receives Mayor Of London Award learning service was amongst the winners of this year’s Mayor of London Adult Learning awards. Charlie received the Learning for Personal Progression Award at the awards ceremony which took place last night at City Hall (Thursday 2 November).

The Awards are a key part of the mayor’s commitment to raising awareness of adult learning in the capital and helping Londoners to gain the skills they need for life and work. Adult learning plays a critical role in the mayor’s mission to build a better London for everyone.

Charlie Kebell has been attending Supported Learning classes in maths, English and work skills since September 2022 to learn new skills. He signed up to the pathways into work programme run by our adult learning service earlier this year. The programme helps people with learning difficulties find volunteering opportunities or gain paid employment. With support from adult learning’s Partnership and Business Development Apprentice, Charlie started volunteering at the Age Exchange café, and is now enjoying a paid work placement at the Broadway Theatre in Catford, in partnership with Lewisham Works - a free service that supports unemployed residents into good jobs.

Charlie has attended various courses over the last year to improve his skills for work, including English and maths. He said:

‘Taking these courses, especially the employment class has given me the confidence to get work experience and look for paid work’. Having a job ‘means I have my independence. Earning money means that I can one day have a place to myself, I want to show people that I can become independent. I have felt happy since I started working.

‘I’m very happy to get this award, I’m proud of myself for working so hard. As a person I’m always myself, a proud person who’s glad to be doing well at work with support from the Broadway Theatre team. I now understand where I can go from here, I realise my potential and I want to show others they can too.’

Mayor of Lewisham, Damien Egan, said: ‘congratulations to Charlie on winning this fantastic award, it is truly inspiring to hear how he’s worked so hard to realise his dreams. He has achieved a tremendous amount this year with support from our adult learning service, the Broadway Theatre team and Lewisham Works. It’s great to see council teams working together to improve the lives and employment opportunities of our residents.

'The Mayor of London adult learning awards highlights the positive impact of adult learning and the life changing opportunities that it provides. I’m sure Charlie’s achievements will inspire others to discover the many ways that our adult learning service supports people with learning difficulties gain skills for independent living’.

Find out more about Supported Learning classes at Adult Learning Lewisham.

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